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Jones House Cultural Center


Exhibiting in March
in the
Mazie Jones Gallery

Reception on March 7 from 5-7pm

Regular Gallery Hours
Monday - Friday: 10-4
Saturday & Sunday: 11-4


The classical composer Béla Bartók is perhaps most famous in the music world for having incorporated elements of folk music into his work, a practice that earned him the title of “father of ethnomusicology.” He even spent one summer in Asheville in 1945 and composed one of his piano concertos there. 

What qualifies as folk music in North Carolina and around the world? What elements of rural sound inspired Bartók, and in which rural communities did they originate? In this workshop, participants will hear examples of and learn to recognize the folk sounds in classical music. 

This event is free and open to the public. It is intended for general audiences, and no prior knowledge of music is necessary to participate.



The Town of Boone’s Summer Concerts at the Jones House kicks off in downtown Boone on Friday, June 6. The popular weekly concert series on the Jones House lawn runs weekly from June through August. Showcasing local and regional acts, the lineup features a variety of musical genres that will appeal to all types of music fans - bluegrass, oldtime, jazz, folk, songwriters, and more.

Check back to see the lineup release in April!




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