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Mazie Jones Gallery

Exhibiting April 4th -27th

For the month of April, selected artwork from talented student-artists in the Watauga County Public School System will be on display in the Mazie Jones Gallery. Join the Watauga Education Foundation in celebrating the creativity of our up-and-coming K-12 artists.


2025 Gallery Receptions
February 7
- Elaine O’Quinn
March 7 - Jennifer Kate Murphy
April 4 - Shooting Stars
May 2 - ArtMix Group feat. Tricia Leonard, Dorothy Maguire, and Pegge Laine
June 6 - Blue Ridge Fiber Guild
July - High Country Watermedia Society
August 1 - Dulcimer Exhibition
September 5 - Andi Dandelion
October 3 - Macrame Showcase feat. Traci Goodard, Disa Herring, and Kali Mullins
November 7 - James M. Davidson
December - Digital Watauga and Appalachian State University History Program



The Mazie Jones Gallery in the heart of the historic Jones House is named for Mazie Jones Levenson, who grew up in the home and was instrumental in preserving the home as a cultural and community center in Boone. The gallery features monthly rotating exhibits, displaying work from talented local artists, photographers, craftspeople, and historians.

Gallery Hours:
Monday-Friday: 10am-4pm
Saturday & Sunday: 11am-4pm



Join the Jones House each month for Downtown Boone’s First Friday Art Crawl! During the Art Crawl, the Jones House will host an art reception celebrating the month’s artist with food and refreshments for all. Be sure to make the Jones House one of your stops during Art Crawl. The Jones House First Friday Art Crawl gallery reception begins at 5 PM.